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The Truth Notebook
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NASA Logo Notebook
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Science vs Faith Notebook
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DNA Notebook
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LHC Notebook
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Grammar is important Notebook
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funny engineering jokes Notebook
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I Made A Chemistry Joke Notebook
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Kreb's Cycle Notebook
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Chubby Unicorn Rhino Notebook
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Don't Ask a PhD Notebook
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Think Notebook
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Charles Darwin 6 Notebook
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HMS Beagle world tour Notebook
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There is no Planet B Notebook
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What Part of... Notebook
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I Build Robots Notebook
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Equation Notebook
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Chemists Notebook
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Chemistry Is Like Cooking Notebook
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Most Birthdays Notebook
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Extinction Insurance Notebook
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Born to Pipette Notebook
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Tree of Life Notebook
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Be greater than average Notebook
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DNA Girls Notebook
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Irish [elements] Notebook
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Ah! Element of Surprise Notebook
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The Weather Notebook
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Herpes Notebook
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statistics joke Notebook
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Pluto Penguin Notebook
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! Notebook
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Its A Robotics Thing Notebook
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Circular Reasoning Notebook
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Radio 2 Notebook
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Eat Sleep Astrophysics Notebook
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Math Notebook
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Extinction Insurance Notebook
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biology joke Notebook
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Its A Neuroscience Thing Notebook
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Renegade Geologists Notebook
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math Notebook
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Digits of Pi Notebook
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Area 51 Parking Pass Notebook
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Chemical Think Notebook
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What part of Code Notebook
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Cells are busy Notebook
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Omega Notebook
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Model Rocket? Notebook
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Hematology, it's a blast! Notebook
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Shark Types Notebook
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2017 total solar eclipse Notebook
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Science Matter Bubble Notebook
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Liberal Values WordPlay Notebook
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Space Nebula Notebook
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Ah! Element of Surprise Notebook
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Hate Tool Notebook
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Microbiology/Lab Notebook
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Write this down: Notebooks and Journals are a fun way to express your inner-most thoughts (plus they're great for writing a to-do list for a 3-day weekend to the beach). Our journals bring a special touch and your unique personality to the page. These attention-getting personal journals make writing fun, giving you a one-of-a-kind notebook with covers that inspire you to open up as you open the pages of your journal or notebook. With high-quality bonded paper (chose from several weights and styles of paper lining), it's not only great as your dear diary, but also perfect for recipes, as an address book, and more. You'll find attractive designs on your journal or notebooks ranging from patters and flowers to popular TV shows and political candidates. And when you need to further personalize your journal for extra inspiration, simply add your own photos, text, images or whatever to your notebook cover.

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