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Order Tracking

Order Status

Order status details are displayed in your account on the Order History page. Details follow:

Recent Orders

Your most recent orders appear at the top-right of your Dashboard in the "Recent Orders" section. Click 'View all orders' the link to view the Order History page for an order. The Order History page includes the order date, the order number, the total, the status, and tracking link.

Important: If your order is late please contact us at the links on the bottom of the screen and please provide your Order ID. It will help us to assist with your inquiry quickly.

Note: Tracking information is not available in all countries and in countries that do offer tracking, the link will not be visible until your order is shipped.

Order Tracking

You can track the status of your order using our Order Tracking tool. Your order should arrive within the date range posted on the order tracking page.

When your order has shipped, the “Last Order Status” will say “Shipped”. If it doesn’t, we're not quite finished printing and appreciate your patience. We'll email you the tracking information when we ship your order.

If your order has shipped but you haven't received it yet, please check the estimated arrival dates in our Order Tracking tool. If your order is still within the estimated arrival date window, fear not – that means your order is still on its way. Feel free to be excited. In fact, we encourage it.

If your order is outside of the estimated arrival date window, first we'll need to retrace your steps a bit to find out why. That means you'll need to log in to your account and view your order history. In order history, check the billing and shipping addresses on the order to make sure it is correct. If you have any questions, contact us to help.

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