Anti-Bush T-Shirts, Anti-Bush Bumper Stickers


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"F the President" Hoodie

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Product Number: 030-47836550
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Product Information
Our super-soft kids classic hoodies are an everyday essential. Get ready, because this is about to become their favorite one! Our hoodie sweatshirts are comfortable, warm and cozy, and designed to show off your child’s personality, humor and interests.
  • Warm, cozy kids hoodies made of super-soft 7.8 oz. cotton-blend fleece (50% Cotton, 50% Polyester with up to 5% polyester created from recycled plastic)
  • Oversized fleece-paneled pouch pocket keeps hands warm when temperatures dip.
  • Stretch ribbed waistband and cuffs that keep their shape
  • Two-ply, head-warming hood helps block out wind and chill. Hood drawstring not included to ensure child safety
  • Youth hoodie sweatshirts professionally printed with colorful, vivid designs that resist fading
  • Sizes run small; size up for loose, comfortable fit
  • Machine wash cold with like colors, inside/out, then tumble dry low
  • Imported for final manufacture locally

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If you have any suggestions for anti Bush t shirts or other designs, send email to We get so many suggestions we can only respond to a few, but we appreciate them all!

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