Paleooceans Extinct Fish and Creatures
COMBAT-FISHING(R) exinct sea creatures. Swim in the worlds of oceans past, of long extinct monsters, fishes, and creatures. Get clothing, gifts, and household items with extinct creatures known by fossil and tooth, and bring them to life in your imagination!

10 Extinct Sea Monsters

10 Extinct Sea Monsters
10 extinct sea monsters including: Xenacanthus, Megalodon, Liopleurodon, Mosasaurus, Ichthyosaur, Orthocone, Dunkleosteus, Xiphactinus, Elasmosaurus, Cymbospondylus.

3 Extinct Monster Fishes

3 Extinct Monster Fishes
3 Monster toothy fish of the ancient world, including Xenacanthus, Dunkleosteus, and Xiphactinus.

Xenacanthus Freshwater Shark

Xenacanthus Freshwater Shark
Xenacanthus is an exticnt genus of freshwater sharks that prowled the rivers, swamps, and lakes of the Devonian to Triassic periods.


Cymbospondylus are extinct early marine reptiles (dinosaurs) of the Triassic period.

Battle of the Extinct Sea Monsters


Ichthyosaurs are extinct dolphin-like marine reptiles of the Triassic, Jurassic and Cretaceous periods.


Elasmosaurus are a plesiosaur dinosaur from the Cretaceous period.

Liopleurodon sea monster

Liopleurodon sea monster
A Jurassic marine reptile, plesiosaur, dinosaur eating, ocean monster. Drawn from fossils.

Mosasaurus Pattern

Mosasaurus Pattern
Mosasaurus is a monster sized marine reptile from the Cretaceous, in a fun pattern. Drawn from fossils.


Mosasaurus is a monster sized marine reptile from the Cretaceous. Drawn from fossils.

Dunkleosteus pattern

Dunkleosteus pattern
A pattern of prehistoric Dunkleosteus armored monster ocean fish. Drawing.

School of Megalodon sharks

School of Megalodon sharks
A pattern of prehistoric Megalodon monster sharks. Drawing.

4 Extinct Sea Monsters

4 Extinct Sea Monsters
Four extinct sea monsters including Megalodon (Cenozoic), Duncleosteus (Devonian), Xiphanctinus (Cretaceous), Orthocone (Ordovician). Drawing.


Dunkleosteus are extinct monster sized armored predatory fish (placoderms) from the Devonian period. Drawn from fossils.

Xiphactinus audax fish

Xiphactinus audax fish
Xiphactinus audax were giant monster extinct fish of the Cretaceous, that swam in the oceans and preyed upon fish, sharks, and maybe dinosaurs. Drawing extrapolated from fossils.

Giant Orthocone

Giant Orthocone
Giant Orthocones (Endocerida) were ocean predator shelled mollusks (like Nautilus or squid, sea cephalopods) that lived during the Ordivician. Drawing from shell fossils and comparison to modern spec

Megalodon Giant Shark

Megalodon Giant Shark
Megalodon (Otodus megalodon) is a giant exticnt shark that swam in the ocean millions of years ago and preyed upon whales and other marine mammals.

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